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Sermatec Energy participated in the Sullivan 25th Anniversary Energy Storage Industry Symposium

What are the prospects for energy storage in China and overseas?

During the seminar, Jiagen Tang said, "The energy storage market in China and overseas is very promising. Government support and market promotion mainly promote China's energy storage market. At present, the domestic market is developing rapidly, mainly distributed on the power grid side, including power grid backup, frequency modulation, voltage support, and other applications. In the future, the user-side energy storage market is expected to experience explosive growth, especially in areas where energy consumption peaks and electricity costs are high, the commercial and home energy storage market potential is huge. Compared with this, overseas markets are relatively mature, and countries have a certain scale of energy storage, including South Africa, Australia, the United States, etc. In the future, with the popularity of renewable energy and the rapid growth of electric vehicles, the overseas energy storage market will also embrace new opportunities. Chinese energy storage producers can seize the opportunity to explore overseas markets, provide more technologies and solutions, and win more market share."

What are the differences in product forms for different demand scenarios?

Jiagen Tang: According to different downstream demand scenarios at home and abroad, energy storage products have different forms. The large-scale energy storage system is mainly used in the power grid side, applied in voltage support, power grid peak adjustment, power grid backup, and other fields. The energy storage products on the user side mainly include household and commercial energy storage systems, which are mainly used by users for energy consumption in daily life.


Since the 3S (EMS, BMS, PCS) architecture was first proposed in 2017, Sermatec Energy has continuously increased its investment in the research and development of energy storage products and energy storage technology. With modular, platform and standardized series products as the carrier, centering on the three-layer technical architecture of "cloud, edge and end", the "new 3S(Security, Standard, Service)" is further integrated into the traditional 3S, so as to ensure the safety of production, equipment, and operation, and improve the technology through the core algorithm. In addition, digital and intelligent energy storage products and energy services are provided to achieve full scene coverage of energy storage solutions on the power generation side, the power grid side and the user side.


Sermatec Energy is committed to providing total solutions for green energy storage systems. At present, Sermatec Energy has provided energy storage solutions for many cities at home and abroad, and has rich project experience in the grid side, industrial and commercial user side and other fields. In the future, we will continue to deeply study the development trend of the industry, constantly improve product innovation ability, look at the global market, explore the development opportunities of energy storage in order to promote the development of renewable energy and achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.