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Leading the energy storage track and helping to meet the "dual carbon" standards | Taking Sermatec as a guest at Dongfang Finance's "Creating a Winning Future"

On April 8th, Ms. Sun Lina, Deputy General Manager of Technology at Shanghai Sermatec Energy Technology Co., Ltd., appeared in the new energy special program "Creating a Winning Future" on the Pudong Channel of Oriental Finance and Economics. In this program, Sun Lina shares with everyone the exploration and practice of Sermatec in energy storage, and explains to experts the company's leading advantages in energy storage and how to grasp the future development trend.


Maximizing the Application of "Power Bank"

Sun Lina: People may think that we are a photovoltaic enterprise when they hear about Sermatec, but in fact, we are an energy storage enterprise. What is energy storage for? Our company's products can be understood as a large "power bank". Of course, it's not just about simply increasing the capacity, but about how to safely and efficiently use this "power bank" to maximize its effectiveness.


Energy storage achieves a perfect match between power generation and consumption

Sun Lina: We all know that electricity is an energy that must be consumed immediately after production, and it is difficult to achieve a perfect match with electricity consumption, especially the volatility of new energy generation, which exacerbates this mismatch. Energy storage is the perfect solution to this problem.


One application of energy storage is peak shaving and valley filling. It means storing electricity when the electricity price is cheap and releasing it when the electricity price is expensive. The other is to store the fluctuating new energy generation and release it as a stable power output. Of course, there are many applications for energy storage. It can be said that if we want to achieve the "3060" goal, we must develop new energy, and if we want to develop new energy, we must develop energy storage.


BASF Energy Storage Project Landing in Pudong

Help to achieve "carbon neutrality"

Sun Lina: We provide comprehensive energy solutions and services to a large number of enterprises, helping them reduce energy consumption and collaborate to build a "zero carbon" factory. For example, in 2021, the BASF energy storage project was launched in Pudong. As the "driving force" of Shanghai's economy, the Pudong New Area has seen rapid development in the secondary industry, and the industrial and commercial sector is one of the main application scenarios for energy storage. In response to BASF Group's energy conservation, carbon reduction, and cost reduction needs, we have provided a set of lithium phosphate battery energy storage system, which ensures the safe and efficient operation of the energy storage system in all aspects without blind spots. The project generates a total revenue of over 46 million yuan during its operating cycle based on the difference in peak valley electricity prices. This system is also an important support for BASF to achieve "carbon neutrality".


Relying on the "cloud edge" three-layer technical architecture

Enable energy storage products to have a smart brain

Sun Lina: In 2018, the basic function 3S (BMS, PCS, EMS) system for energy storage was first developed by Sermatec. This year, we proposed 6S (BMS, PCS, EMS, Standard, Safety, Service), relying on the "cloud edge" three-layer technical architecture capabilities to provide digital and intelligent energy storage products and services.


Develop a digital energy management platform

Intelligent management of energy usage

Sun Lina: The cloud products in "cloud edge" refer to our digital energy management platform in the cloud. Through the self-developed digital energy management platform, users can easily access solar energy storage and industrial and commercial energy storage equipment. Users can use web pages and apps to see the electricity consumption situation, and perform functions such as strategy configuration, one click on/off, and remote operation and maintenance. It is easy to operate and fast.


Provide a family of edge intelligent products

Ensure real-time and reliable operation of edge strategies

Sun Lina: The "edge" products in "cloud edge end" refer to the "edge intelligent product family" we provide. For example, our microgrid controller product can perform overall optimal policy control on regional microgrids.


For example, our local fault prediction host product can provide early warning for our battery safety faults for several hours, even a few days or even more. The edge controller product used in the BASF project can provide early warning of battery safety failures, ensuring the real-time and reliable operation of edge strategies.


For multiple usage scenarios

Develop three major categories of terminal products

Sun Lina: The "end" products in "cloud edge end" are various energy storage devices. Existing scenarios for high energy consuming industrial users; It is also used in households, shops, shopping malls, and other scenarios; There are also products for power and grid side applications; Products that operate under harsh conditions such as high altitude, high temperature, and cold are more targeted.


Everyone knows that the electricity in the factory cannot be cut off for a moment, otherwise no one can bear the actual economic losses. Therefore, energy storage products not only need to ensure voltage and frequency stability, but also can be used as backup power and emergency power when necessary. In 2022,Sermatec specializes in liquid cooled containers and liquid cooled outdoor energy cabinet products. In terms of the shipment volume of liquid cooled products in 2022, we are the leader in the industry.


Double carbon goals forge ahead

Sun Lina: I was not entirely correct when I first mentioned that Sermatec is not a photovoltaic company, but an energy storage company. The predecessor of Sermatec was Sermatec Photovoltaics, and the core team has been working in the photovoltaic new energy industry for over a decade. So we understand new energy, better understand energy storage, and towards the goal of "3060", with technological innovation as the boat, we are sailing towards the sea of stars in the future energy system.

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